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Strategic Plan Information

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Strategic Plan Information

Planning Council Task Force Reports 
Final Strategic Plan 
Implementation Committees
Distinctive Identity Subsection and Action Steps

The development of a new strategic plan began in September 2002.  President Tito Guerrero appointed a 24 -member University Planning Council representing a wide range of groups to coordinate the planning effort. Six task forces were created to develop working papers on driving forces, governing ideas, distinctive identity, the student experience, the professoriate and the administrative support staff.  The final report of each of the task forces is linked below.

The Task Force Charges

Task Force Reports

Driving Forces
Governing Ideas
Distinctive Identity
The Student Experience
The Professoriate
Administrative support/staff


 Final Strategic Plan

SFA 08 Placing Student Achievement First focuses on eight strategic directions. Academic achievement is necessarily first, occupies the top most position, and serves as our starting and ending point. The other seven strategic directions (Campus Community, Distinctive Identity, External Engagement, Support, Internal Effectiveness, Recruitment and Retention, and Implementation) do not have an implied order of importance. All are important, all support one another, and all must implemented simultaneously.  In all some 71 action steps have been recommended.


Implementation Committees

President Guerrero has appointed a Strategic Plan implementation Committee and a Distinctive Identity Implementation Committee comprised of the following members.

Implementation Committee Charge and Membership

Distinctive Identity Implementation Committee



Distinctive Identity Part of the Strategic Plan

Short description of Distinctive Identity in the introduction of the Final Strategic Plan: Distinctive Identity Description

Below is an abbreviated version of the Distinctive Identity Subsection of the plan, showing the relevant initiatives (Letters F - H) and related action steps (numbers 5, 11, 20 - 32, 46). For the detailed text on the action steps: Action Steps Details.


Emphasize the personal attention students receive at SFASU


increase participation in and success of SFA101 and Jack Camp


increase the number of departments offering senior-year capstone/transition programs


provide more assistance to students experiencing problems such as anxiety disorders, binge-drinking, sexually transmissible diseases and eating disorders


improve mentoring/advising programs


Emphasize the integrated university experience offered by SFASU


increase links between extracurricular activities and the universityís mission and core values


establish a regular university-sponsored lecture series


encourage all students starting their very first semester to participate in a co-curricular or extracurricular organization


create more residence-based learning communities


turn more class projects into service-learning opportunities by making public presentations, poster sessions and open-houses more common


establish a ìCampus Visual Identity Committeeî to advise the university In regards to the purchase and placement of art on the campus, landscape design, the renovation of university structures and new construction


expand service learning and community involvement opportunities for students


help health care providers identify and assist underserved populations in East Texas


Develop a program of specific areas of mastery which all SFASU graduates will possess at the time of graduation


create an Implementation advisory committee for the masteries approach


provide the campus with further information and learning opportunities about the masteries approach


adopt a set of masteries to expect of all SFA graduates and identify the courses and other initiatives by which these masteries can be attained


put in place and continually refine methods by which the university can determine that the knowledge and skill areas are, in fact, being mastered


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